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Valentines Day (or Don't)

14th February. Romance or Rip Off?

This time last year I posted some general advice on Valentine’s Gifts. This year, as I sat down to give you some top tips for Valentines Day in Glasgow, I got to wondering how relevant it really was.

And so, instead of trotting out the usual, I asked some questions.  The Survey wasn’t terribly scientific, but did yield some interesting results, and some Dos and Don’ts on the gift front.

Don’t spend a lot of money

Only 10% of people go for an expensive gift.  The rest of the celebrants divide equally between just cards, or token/jokey gifts.  35% don’t exchange anything.  Americans go for gifts more than Brits.

Most people aren’t interested in a Romantic Valentine’s restaurant meal

40% don’t eat out, and 30% reckon valentine’s menus are a rip off and would rather go another time.

Bad Gifts:

(According to the givers/ receivers)

  • A single red rose (bonus demerits if bought from a wandering street seller on Sauchiehall Street). Complete lack of imagination = complete lack of romance
  • Anything too practical (speakers and a kettle were both gifts that missed the mark)
  • Chocolates and biscuits. (I’m guessing lack of imagination?)
  • Anything too ‘valentines’ or naff. A 3 foot teddy, a jokey card, a book of poetry to someone who hates poetry.
  • Overkill.  It seems that Valentines day is NOT the time to try and form a new relationship, or progress one.  Responses that sum this up: “A proposal of marriage”,  “Flowers from someone I didn’t like”

My favourite response though was this  “The worst was when my boyfriend went to Paris for Scotland match and brought me home a pink keyring of the Eiffel Tower and a Condom saying I love Paris!”

Good Gifts:

  • Something home made or home cooked (cards and lobster were both mentioned)
  • a weekend away
  • Jewellery – diamonds went down well!
  • Concert tickets
  • a decent bottle of wine
  • something really personal – a book you’ve mentioned you want, a band you want to see, a promise to get a much wanted kitten. Something that shows you pay attention to their likes.
  • And yes, several people were thrilled to be proposed to on Valentines Day!

What I’ve learned – and you should know

The crucial thing seems to be don’t buy anything specifically designed and sold for valentines day.  Spend your money on something the recipient will use or enjoy.

Don’t spend a lot of money just because it’s valentines day.  Do try and make an effort all year to show your love.  The vast majority of respondents labelled it a ‘Hallmark holiday’ or mentioned that it’s just a part of working at a good relationship.

Hallmark are missing a trick – it seems it’s easier to by a valentines card for a grandmother from grandson than a wife from a wife.

And don’t indulge in Public Displays of Affection.  It’s not big, it’s not clever, and it can be really annoying to those around you.





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